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1. What do you do if you find a snake in the toilet?

* Wait till he's finished.


2. Where does a grizzly bear sit in the cinema?

*Anywhere he likes.


3. Why are all elephants all wrinkly?

*Well, have you ever tried to iron one?

Book Stack

4. Which side of a monkey has the most hair?

*The outside.


5. What has 50 legs but can't walk?

*Half a centipede.


6. Why do cats lick their bottom?

*Well, no one else will do it for them.

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7. Why do rabbits have fur coats?

*Because they'd look stupid in anoraks.


8. Why does Tigger smell?

*He's always playing with Pooh.


          Doctor Doctor Jokes

1. Doctor doctor, my daughter is eight feet tall.

*Don't worry, she'll soon grow out of it.


2. Doctor doctor, my eyesight is getting worse.

*You're right- this is the Post Office.


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3. Doctor doctor, will you give me something for my nose?

*No need- I already have one


4. Doctor doctor, I'm suffering from amnesia.

*Just take two of these and you'll forget all about it


5.Doctor doctor, I keep getting a pain in my eye when I drink tea.

*Try taking a spoon out.

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6. Doctor doctor, I can't stop stealing things.

*Take this medicine, and if it doesn't work get me a iPad.


7. Doctor doctor, I think I'm a piece of luggage.

*Yes, you're an interesting case.


8. Doctor doctor, my son has a slice of pizza up his nose.

*Mmm, sounds like he's not eating properly.

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9. Doctor doctor, I've just swallowed a mouth organ.

*It's a good job you don't play the piano.


10. Doctor doctor, I've been stung by a wasp- shall I put some cream on it?

*There's no point- it'll be miles away by now.

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